
In 2020, I self-published the ‘Soy Sauce, Sugar, Mirin’ cookbook, and have since sold over a thousand copies to the US, Canada, Europe, Asia, and even Geelong.

Soy Sauce, Sugar, Mirin - 2nd Print

Soy Sauce, Sugar, Mirin - 2nd Print


What’s the story?

During August 2020, I shared my first Japanese curry recipe to the Facebook cooking group - ‘Subtle Asian Cooking’, and gathered thousands of likes overnight. I self-published all my recipes into a book and sold out the first 500 copies to America, Canada, Ireland, London, Paris, Finland, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, New Zealand, even Geelong. This is the second print-run.

Australian residents, please input your full address during checkout for the accurate shipping fee to avoid a heart attack.

Who the hell are you?

I’m a food photographer in Melbourne. I’ve shot for three-hat establishments, I’ve shot street food, assignments for major and minor publications such as the New York Times, Gourmet Traveller, Broadsheet, and more. I’ve documented and written about the Melbourne ramen scene. I was on the panel of reviewers for the Good Food Guide. Those should quantify my understanding of the industry, the standard and level of techniques I observed from behind the scenes. Most importantly, I’m a househusband. I cook.

In short, I know my shiit-ake.

What’s the book about?

40 normal, kinda-Asian dishes that I cook for my normal family and friends, with little tricks that you don’t find in ‘vanilla’ cookbooks.

Absolutely no trigger words such as ‘memories’, ‘histories’, ‘inspiration’, ‘childhood’, ‘sabbatical’ etc. No over-promising photography. Just straightforward, solid recipes. Warning: might contain PG-13 swear words.

The new and improved perfect-bound book is slightly smaller than A5 at 5x7” (178cm x 127cm), roughly five slices of Kraft Singles cheese thick. Does not scroll.

It contains 40 recipes AND 10 essays I shared on Subtle Asian Cooking after the first book went to print.

It’s not a coffee table book, it’s made for the kitchen bench.

What people said about the first book:

”Your book is AMAZING. Seriously dude - the writing is phenomenal. You have such a good natural tone of voice. I don't do much cooking, but I really enjoyed reading it and learning some new stuff. Maybe I'll even buy some mirin.” - not my mum, but my ex-boss/creative director.

”Mate, I just made the Japanese restaurant-level curry, it’s SO GOOD THANK YOU SO MUCH. It’s AMAZING” - not mum either, just a good bloke name Eugene.

”Your book arrived today, and I thought it was going to be amazing. It is even more amazing than I imagined. I love it so much. I love your writing style so much. Food connects so many lives, generations and cultures. I find that undercurrent in your writing, without being pretentious or snobby. And I love it so much.” - a wonderful lady by the name of Rosa.

”I collect cookbooks like it’s going out of fashion. But there has been no other cookbooks that spoke to my heart like this one. It was the cookbook I didn’t know I needed but will now love forever.” - @thebearkandkittyshow

